Tuesday, September 9, 2014

My Purpose

My purpose is to inform and encourage others to look into shopping at small local grocery stores. After a year doing my own grocery shopping I have leaned more towards shopping for locally grown fruits and vegetables. This may not be a concern for many of you, but supporting and giving back to those in your area is a positive thing. We are over looking our ecological footprint and local economy by shopping at larger supper markets.  We should help keep our money circulating within our vicinity. If you shop at Wal-Mart or any other large super market your money doesn’t go back into the community like local and small grocery stores. There are many ways that could be possible, one being going to farmers markets, going to farms, and or looking for locally grown signs in the produce section. Of course with the exception of those fruits and vegetables that are not native in the area such as bananas. With those products that need to be imported the very least we could do to support those international producers is ensuring it is a fair trade products to guarantee that their trading conditions are up to standards. Therefore, I will try to encourage and persuade others to minimize their ecological footprint while keeping the money circulating their community.

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